URClearED first round of real-time simulations on RWC impact is starting today!

Today, March 21th 2022, URClearED project is starting its first round of real-time simulations in two different locations and using two different Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems to test the URClearED Remain Well Clear (RWC) concept

Read this article to know more about our validations main purpose and plan!


In this first round of real-time simulations, URClearED will investigate the impact of the Remain Well Clear (RWC) instrument on airspace classes D-E-G* operations. 

Specifically, the focus will be on measuring and assessing the human performance impacts both on pilots and controllers, the safety implications and the suitability of all the technical requirements and their implementation. 

*To have more details on these airspace classes, visit our dedicated LinkedIn post “Airspace Classes 101” from the #URClearEDNotebook rubric!


This first round of simulations will take place from 21st to 25th of March, for a total of five days, at CIRA – Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali (Italy) and DLR – Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (Germany) centers. 

To conduct the simulations, CIRA and DLR will use their simulation facilities and the common Remain Well Clear (RWC) software implemented by the project during the past months. 

In particular, CIRA will test the concept using a fixed wing RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems), while DLR will use a rotorcraft RPAS

RPAS pilots and ATCOs (Air Traffic Controllers) will be involved in the simulations to test the impact of the RWC instrument and to give feedback on human performance issues.


A second round of real-time simulations is planned for mid April at CIRA center, so stay tuned for more information and contents! 

We look forward to coming back in two weeks for a close up on the simulations results, and to announce more details about the next validation round. 

In the meantime, follow us on LinkedIn to not miss any updates on URClearED progress!